mpv player and also smplayer sops after a random period 15-45minutes

Hi, on my laptop running 15.3 with kde plasma using mpv player and smplayer they stop after about 30 or 45 mintes, so I have to start again the movie and search where I was and continue.
is there a way to see a movie without interruptions?

This is strange. Do players such as ‘vlc’ also stop at the same time? Is it always the same video ? or is it for every video you try?

I am suspicious there is something else at work here that is not the actual multimedia players.

Hi oldcpu, I didn’t try vlc, I will install and try
not, it happens at random time, about from 15 to 45 minutes so from two to five times each movie
not, it happens with every video enough long and all the formats I tried like mkv, avi, mp4

what is your suspect?

Possibly power management on the laptop. But if vlc doesn’t have the issue, then maybe my suspicion is wrong.

no, may be a good suspicious, I installed and tried VLC and it has the same problem, how in your opinion the power management can interfere with movie players an how can I check it?

This is a topic to which I am not familiar … For me to solve I would likely have to have the laptop with the problem in front of me, and then I would consult various guides (for other distros such as Arch Linux) and work my way through such.

One could check power management aspects associated with screen saver, dependent on the desktop you use.

I read one thread where a user played around with ‘xset’ settings.

I honestly can’t offer a specific solution - this is an area for me that I would need physical hands on coupled with very careful trial and error on my laptop (with the issue present) for me to progress.

Maybe some others on the forum with superior experience and superior knowledge to myself here could chime in.

manythanks oldcpu, I saw the thread but the description " the screen keeps switching off and the video completely stops" is different from mine, my screen doesn’t switch off at all, only video stops.

Thermal overload of GPU maybe???

may be but I think not, in case of thermal overload usually all the system shut down not only movie players
but I upgraded to 15.4 and the problem seems solved, I will test more…


I’m glad to read that the problem went away with the upgrade. Just as an FYI for you and anyone else who might be reading, I also suspect a power management issue. I have noticed on my laptop, running mpv on cinnamon on leap 15.3, that mpv will stutter at times, as if it were dropping frames. This is especially prone to happen when viewing an inet stream. Yet, if I restart cinnamon and disable cinnamon power management, the problem disappears.