I need a multimedia program with a mozilla plugin so I can play embedded video and audio in a browser.
Can someone give me the repository information to install mplayer? I keep getting errors from trying to compile it from source.
I need a multimedia program with a mozilla plugin so I can play embedded video and audio in a browser.
Can someone give me the repository information to install mplayer? I keep getting errors from trying to compile it from source.
Various 3rd party repositories are listed here:
Additional Package Repositories - openSUSE
with more official listed here: Package Repositories - openSUSE
My recommendation is to stick with 4 and only 4. repositories No others. None. Those 4 are oss, non-oss, update and Packman. Just those 4. No others. Especially NOT videolan as its codecs may be put in places that break Packman packaged apps.
You will find smplayer, mplayer and mplayerplug-in on Packman. You can tell Packman packaged applications by the “pm” in the version number.
There is guidance here on how to add those 4 repos:
Repositories/11.2 - openSUSE-Community
OSS, Non-OSS, Update should already be present, and you likely only need to add packman.
is there anything better than mplayer for an embedded audio player?
From my very subjective perspective there is not.
Install mplayer from the repos of course, but it is really instructive to build it from source. I guess you’ve not got all the development packages installed. Once you have those, mplayer builds cleanly.
If you post some sample error messages, maybe the forum can help.
I know from experience, it doesn’t work quite as well but you can try VLC. It’s in the Packman repos & is the best fit for OpenSuSe,just like oldcpu says.
All you need to do is type vlc into the search on Yast, you’ll even see there’s a mozilla plugin. You can also find mplayer in Yast the same way it too is in the Packman repos & it works very well.
Note with mplayer you have a choice of at least two different plugins (there may be more). mplayerplug-in is the older, now being depreciated plugin. gecko-mediaplayer is the new plugin.
I find gecko-mediaplayer does not work well for me, so I still use the older mplayerplug-in.