MPD database and windows share

I try to force sonata to work with mp3 shared by windows on other PC in LAN but when I try to make a link to windows share “ln -s smb://noname/nn/Music /var/lib/mpd/music/” and then I run “mpd --create-db” but mpd it not adding any files :
The cause is I cannot access to window share by that link :confused:
When I try to open it in nautilus I got “Synopsis (Music) is damaged”
Anyone have a clue how to fix this?

Hmm … You sure you can reach that url from Konqueror? AFAIK you can’t reference smb:// by servername, unless you have Samba Server with additional protocols installed. With the default SuSE configuration (i.e. bare-bones Samba Client only) you must give it the exact url, such as smb:// or the like.

I tried that already but with same result :confused: