mp4 file fails to play from Dolphin's preview pane...

OK… So I don’t know if this is a bug or a problem with my setup, if the latter then it afflicts 2 Leap 15.1 and 2 TW installs.

When attempting to play an mp4 file from Dolphin’s preview panel

nothing happens.

Starting Dolphin from konsole this is the output (with notes inserted ])

paul@HP255G7:~> dolphin
Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString.
inotify_add_watch("/lost+found") failed: "Permission denied"
inotify_add_watch("/root") failed: "Permission denied"
inotify_add_watch("/home/lost+found") failed: "Permission denied"
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to PhononWidget "", which already has a layout

   [Dolphin started, navigated to mp4 file, now attempt to play *.mp4 file from dolphins preview panel]

** Message: PackageKit: xid = 56623126
** Message: PackageKit: desktop_id = (null)
** Message: PackageKit: Codec nice name: H.264 (Main Profile) decoder
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named level
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named profile
** Message: PackageKit: structure: gstreamer1(decoder-video/x-h264)()(64bit)
** Message: PackageKit: Codec nice name: MPEG-4 AAC decoder
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named level
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named base-profile
** Message: PackageKit: ignoring field named profile
** Message: PackageKit: field is: mpegversion, type: gint
** Message: PackageKit: structure: gstreamer1(decoder-audio/mpeg)(mpegversion=4)()(64bit)
** Message: PackageKit: Did not install codec: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.PackageKit was not provided by any .service files

    [exit dolphin]


which looks to me as if Dolphin is attempting to use “PackageKit” to install a missing codec…

I should mention that mp4 files all play OK using vlc.

I’m not sure what Dolphin is missing though, ffmpeg and gstreamer (good, bad, & ugly) are installed.

Confirmed, I see this too on TW, Paul. Must say though that I hardly ever use that Dolphin feature, but I do remember it worked ~1 year ago

OK. Thanks for the confirmation.

Playing around with this for a little while and found by trial and error, one needs to install “gstreamer-plugins-libav” :slight_smile: