
Hi all,

I ran across a little problem while trying to install easyMP3gain. The installer program is complaining that it needs MP3gain.

As I searched the yast install software repositories I cannot find the file MP3gain.

I just replaced my system with the new KDE4 11.2 OpenSUSIE. Everything is working great including my wireless cards. This is one of the first OS that has worked out of the box on my Dell Latitude E6500. I have always loved SUSIE. This release is a great OS.:slight_smile:

Oh, I added the “packman & videoLAN” repositories thinking I might find the file. However, no luck in finding the MP3gain program there either.

I am not to good in doing CLI in Linux. I sure hope I don’t have to compile it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks you,
Paul :\

PackMan :: Search results

Hi Microchip8,

No worky. Yast will not let me install the mp3gain or vorbisgain. The error message says that Yast only has done a partial install.

Interesting. I guess I will have to wait until Packman 11.2 gets/uploads the mp3gain and vorbisgain RPM’s in the 11.2 repository.

Thanks for your help however, I really appreciate it!

Paul :frowning:


I went to the site and found the files I needed.

Paul :wink: