mp3 mixer


I’m looking for an application to mix mp3, and then save the mix like another mp3.
Does anybody knows any program that do that ?

I’m using opensuse 12.2 with kde 4.8.5

Thanks for any feedback



Does Audacity do what you want?

no. I’m looking something like mixvibes for win, but for suse.
Thanks, anyway.

mixxx, is your program, it’s very useful, and has lots of features.
packman has it in his website, here.

Thanks a lot !

mixxx seems to be a very powerful mp3 mixer. The only thing I can not find is the way to save the mixes as a file.

any suggestions ?



From what I’ve seen in a quick glance, you need to record the mix.

Yes, that what I need.

On Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:36:02 GMT, agunet74
<> wrote:

>I’m looking for an application to mix mp3, and then save the mix like
>another mp3.
>Does anybody knows any program that do that ?
>I’m using opensuse 12.2 with kde 4.8.5
>Thanks for any feedback

Gosh, there are many. So in which ways does Audcity not do it for you?


I cannot save the mix after mix a lot of mp3. (Or at least I don’t know how to do it)

On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 08:36:02 GMT, agunet74
<> wrote:

>josephkk;2525430 Wrote:
>> On Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:36:02 GMT, agunet74
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >I’m looking for an application to mix mp3, and then save the mix like
>> >another mp3.
>> >Does anybody knows any program that do that ?
>> >
>> >I’m using opensuse 12.2 with kde 4.8.5
>> >
>> >Thanks for any feedback
>> >
>> >regards,
>> >
>> >agu.
>> Gosh, there are many. So in which ways does Audcity not do it for you?
>> ?-)
>I cannot save the mix after mix a lot of mp3. (Or at least I don’t
>know how to do it)

Oh. File->export, you get a dialog box. Select mp3 for output, add
“.mp3” extension for use with an MS-OS, and proceed.



I dont’ ave any Export option in the File Menu. File MEnu I only have “Load Song player 1” and Load song (player 2)

are you quite sure you are looking at Audacity?

I was talking abou about mixxx. I can make great mixes but I can’t save them. In audacity, I cannot find how to mix 2 or more mp3 files. I know in audacity, how to save them.

Yes, it looked like you had your wires crossed in regards to josephkk’s question and advice.

Anyway, sorry but I can’t help with mixxx as I have never used it (or even heard of it).

Mixing (joining) mp3 files in Audacity is a simple thing to do.
Just import all the tracks you want to mix. Audacity will display them as separate tracks. Drag and drop them all onto one track in the order you like and then export them.

I find easier to mix mmp3 mixxx than audacity. Also, in mixxx I have more options to mix. In Audacity I have to read the manual because it doesn’t seems intuitive at all.

thanks anyway,