Mouse1+Mouse2=Middle button?

Hi, I am sorry if this has been answered many times before, but I had read somewhere that I should disable middle button emulation, or un-check a box that says that Button1 and Button2 should be considered as middle mouse button pressed.
I have also read xorg.conf is obsolete in openSUSE 11.3 with XOrg 7.5. Also, SaX2 is not used anymore either?

How can I turn this annoying option off (can’t play some games that require me to press both buttons at the same time and both buttons actually have different actions bound to them.)

I use openSUSE 11.3 with Gnome.

Thanks in advance. So far I have tried to edit the xorg.conf but with no success, any pointers will be appreciated as I am quite a noob still.

Finally fixed it.

I had to use xinput, like this

xinput set-int-prop $id “Evdev Middle Button Emulation” 8 0

where $id is your mouse identifier (e.g. “Logitech USB Gaming Mouse”; 8 stands for 8bit, and 0 for false or - off)

Thanks for all the help guys, I hope this post will help someone else as well.

Once you get your command, you can put in in startup so you don’t have to type it in everytime you want to play quake. Or simply make a script on desktop that runs quake along with this command prior running quake.

Even though nobody tried to give a pointer, I decided to share this information. I am new to many things in linux, but I’m glad I fixed this for me.
I couldn’t do it through xorg.conf as it’s not possible anymore, also through hal policies. God bless google and archlinux users :smiley:
