Mouse wit h cut/paste in an opensuse terminal

Hi all,

I installed the oracle on the opensuse 11 and I use the terminal a lot.
I found the mouse is not working in the terminal.

  1. How can I enable the mouse and also I want the cut and paste function?
  2. How can I change the font size in a terminal?



are you using a soft terminal or a terminal device?

Thanks for the reply.

When i am in the GONME desktop,I USE
CTRL+ALT+F2 to enter a terminal windlow.



Someone may correct me here, but I think that doesn’t work.

If you hit Ctrl-Alt-Fsomething you get to a ‘virtual terminal’. These are particularly useful for dealing with crashes - they let you talk to the kernel when X-windows, typically loaded on terminal 7, crashes, so as to restart X or simply shut down gracefully. They can also contain useful error messages, and some people use them for different X sessions for different users.

But if you switch to one it won’t have X (ie the graphical user interface) loaded. Although it’s possible to load programs on them that have mouse control, or indeed start another X session, I assume what you’re trying to do is to run a command and copy the output onto a website or some such. This is better achieved using a terminal emulator, which you should be able to find in your menu - it’ll be called ‘Terminal’ in Gnome, or ‘Konsole’ in KDE.

Optionally, many people put a shortcut to one in a panel - if you right click on a panel, then find it in ‘add to panel’ or whatever (the KDE equivalent slips my mind right now - and you’d probably have to unlock widgets first), you’ll have a button to launch one.

Note: Careful not to user the ‘Superuser’ or ‘root’ terminal, which you’ll also find in the menu somewhere, for normal tasks - it’s dangerous.

I’m sure you are correct.

And to add. I’m fairly sure you can only copy and paste not CUT. And only with the mouse and not the keyboard.

Look into gpm,

I didn’t get very far but from my brief look at the man page seems to imply it should work. Something about the vc’s with enough determination I suspect it is possible.

Thanks for everyone.

You are really helpful.