Well whatever the equivalent on a resume on a desktop is. Meaning the monitor went to sleep and that’s it. When it wakes the mouse doesn’t move anymore. Keyboard still works, which is better than Ubuntu. I’m new to linux and trying out some old hardware.
An Abit K7A-Raid MB,
An old Nvidia tnt2 vid card
An AMD processor
With Ubuntu the same thing would happen, but the keyboard didn’t work either. At least the keyboard works with OpenSuse. But any idea’s. I believe it is either something crazy with the video card, or the HAL scripts or something. But I don’t know enough to know where to look or what to do. Anyway to reset the mouse?
I’ve tried ctrl+alt+backspace. Mouse still doesn’t work after that.
is that a USB mouse? If so, does unplugging/plugging back in help? Do you have any other device making use of the USB power supply? It would be interesting to see if e.g. a lamp or a fan work after a resume.
If both mouse and keyboard are USB, you may want to switch ports and see if it makes a difference.
This is interesting, I am thinking this is hardware related. Take a look at your power management settings in BIOS and see what all is going to sleep. It’s interesting because the computer should be waiting on input from the mouse to wake the screen so there isn’t any reason to shut off the mouse.
Are you using a PS2 or USB mouse? Do you have an alternative kind to try? (ie if you are using usb try ps2)
It’s USB and no I didn’t try unplugging it…I think. I may have. I’ll check the bios to see what is the setting for power management. Kinda frustrating, thanks for the response.