mount dvd

hello dears,

i wanted to play morrorwind so i took it into the drive but i cannot get acces then i read about mounting and wrote:
“mount /media/dvd” and get an answear :“couldnt find /media/dvd in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab”
i googled again but i didnt understood anymore what i should do so i would be happy if someone could tell me an easy way.

thank you

ok i did it.
i used the burning tool.

can someone please tell to come into the dvd folder with the console?

If you have the DVD saved as an .iso file, you can mount this directly using

sudo mkdir /mnt/iso
sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop *path_to_iso_file*.iso /mnt/iso/

Note that you will need both the -t iso9660 and -o loop options for this to work.

Hope this was what you wanted.