I’m trying to use monsoon to download a torrent file, but it seems really slow even slower than the amule.
I’m using it as it is, with default settings.
is there something to do in order to increase performances?
should I choose another application?
The principles of that guide can be applied to all current version of openSUSE using whatever desktop.
Your main concern is to open the firewall ports used by Monsoon. The method for doing that is shown, all you need to do is enter the port numbers used by monsoon.
You may also have to do the port forwarding in your router.
Ok.In my firewall I have ports 1755 and 1756 enabled (TCP and UDP, amule uses them).
In monsoon, in Edit->Preferences->Connections I have one port, 50000 Upnp enabled…
So I have some difficult to proceed…
yes, that’s clear. But the problem is: Firewall enables tcp and udp ports while monsoon has upnp port (or something similar)wich seems not supported by firewall…am I wrong?
Moreover if I edit tcp and udp ports in firewall I cannot use amule anymore…
The guide is not clear about this point, and I’m a bit confused…
Having 1755 tcp port already enabled on firewall and router I set monsoon port on 1755 and tried to download a torrent file, but nothing happens. A message says that tracker could not be contacted…
Something seems to be fundamentally lacking with your ability to proceed and reach a successful conclusion.
Certainly it would be possible to use the same port, but you would likely need udp and tcp. It would mean also that you couldn’t use the two programs together. Not that you would ever use 2 torrent applications at the same time.
Some folks who just can get over their hangups with utorrent from windows, install it in Linux. It does run brilliantly in wine.
If I’m not able to get applications working on Linux, Wine would be the worst choice…
Probably I was not so clear with my explaination:
In the firewall I already have ports 1755 (TCP) and 1756 (UDP) enabled, and in my router I already have that ports forwarded in order to get Amule working.
All I done was to set up port 1755 in Monsoon ( I can declare a single port in Monsoon) so that it can use an already enabled and forwarded port.
Obviously I cannot use both Amule and Monsoon, I know, it was just for a test.
Did I wrong something?