I recently started to use Mono together with Monodevelop (everything from the official repos).
Unfortunately I cannot compile Mono-/.Net-Applications by myself although I’m able to run precompiled ones.
Basically I don’t get the Winforms to work - neither in Monodevelop (I added the appropriate reference) nor on the commandline.
# mcs Main.cs /r:System.Windows.Forms.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll
# Main.cs(12,25): error CS0103: The name `Windows' does not exist in the current context
The absolute path to the dlls doesn’t work either.
To get Mono working I only exported MONO_PATH - don’t know whether this was enough?
I know several people will suggest to use GTK#^^. I am certainly aware of that possibility, however, I will need those Winfoms for my study. So in that case, GTK is not an option for me…
Well, i’ve got a “solution”. I can’t really explain what happened, but after a few other “thoughtful” but unsuccessful attemps, I’ve installed everything named “mono” and it worked…
I guess there was something in “mono-complete” I missed before but nothing indicated that this particular package was necessary. In my opinion it installed a lot of bindings-stuff I don’t actually need…well anyway.
I had a similar problem while trying to compile Open-dental (open-dent.com). Only after having selected all mono* pkgs I could do that. Though to this day I’m not sure which are the only one required :-). Still I don’t care that much… (it’s just several megs of hdd space wasted).
Well, it isn’t that comfortable to code compared to GTK#/monodevelop or VisualStudio. You do it either with an external Designer, e.g. mwf (which is unfortunately rather unstable) or you type them all by yourself.
Because that is, I switched to GTK#. The Visual Designer in Monodevel works flawlessly.
I have to admit, I didn’t get gtk# running with Windows yet, but it isn’t really neccessary for my purposes anymore.
Hm…whatever Stetic is (sry^^).
From my experience I can tell you, that the following is at least working with:
Winforms : Win, Linux, Mac;
GTK# : Linux, Mac (is “supposed” to work with Windows too…)
Cocoa# Mac only;
Edit: Oh, Stetic is the Visual Designer for gtk#. I didn’t know, because they don’t call it that way anymore since it is integrated into Monodevelop. The Add-Ins just calls it “GTK# Visual Designer”.
I just created a VB Project for you - and you are right: There is still no Stetic for VB.