I have installed the server version of OpenSuse 11.1 and I an having trouble using a old monitor. The monitor came from an old old compact that my parents through in the trash. It has been in storage for ages but this monitor will work on other systems. I have not put the monitor on a linux system. I have used one of my lcd screens to load the os system but I have always had the pc in the closet with an ethernet cable and power plug. I just decided to add the monitor. I usually do everything through telnet or ftp software, but the monitor streams color across it and almost looks like snow. Can anyone give me some advise to why this monitor will not work. I am almost certain I will have to go and get another monitor but am trying not to. The screen works well when the first screen comes up and asks how you want the pc to boot. But as soon as the computer starts to boot the screen goes black with the streaming colors almost to a blank snow.
mbump adjusted his/her AFDB on Thursday 20 Aug 2009 18:16 to write:
> I have installed the server version of OpenSuse 11.1 and I an having
> trouble using a old monitor. The monitor came from an old old compact
> that my parents through in the trash. It has been in storage for ages
> but this monitor will work on other systems. I have not put the monitor
> on a linux system. I have used one of my lcd screens to load the os
> system but I have always had the pc in the closet with an ethernet cable
> and power plug. I just decided to add the monitor. I usually do
> everything through telnet or ftp software, but the monitor streams color
> across it and almost looks like snow. Can anyone give me some advise to
> why this monitor will not work. I am almost certain I will have to go
> and get another monitor but am trying not to. The screen works well when
> the first screen comes up and asks how you want the pc to boot. But as
> soon as the computer starts to boot the screen goes black with the
> streaming colors almost to a blank snow.
Sounds like you need to get the refresh rate altered.
If you are not going to use this for anything graphic intensive then you
need to boot to runlevel 3, just type:
init 3
At the boot screen and it will be echoed on the kernel parameter line, this
will drop you to a console login, login as root and run :
sax -r -m 0=vesa
that should get your monitor sorted out.
If however the screen goes funny after you do the init 3 command then maybe
the resolution for the console screen is to high, in that case at the boot
screen type:
init 3
and add:
this should give you a list of screen resolutions to try to get a text
console readable.
Also you can try just pressing the Esc button during boot if the screen
still goes wrong.
if all this still does not work then can you find out the capabilities of
the monitor, what is its max resolution and frequency, there are more
options to try where you can tell the boot what screens size to use.
And when it is finally up you can use Yast>System>bootloader to change the
booting resolution permanently.
Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum