Monitor and Sound Settings

I have got HP G60 125nr laptop and was able to install Opensuse 11.1 successfully. But I have two problems.

01.Whenever, I open a new window the screen appears very slowly.
I believe that I was not able to tune up the my Display adapter.

02.Even the sound card has been detected but again I am not able to tune it up.

Display Card is Nvidia Geforce 8200M G and Nvidia HD Sound.

I was able to install the Nvidia Geforce 8M drivers as per the Nvidia website.

Help me out in tuning up the above two issues.

Suse Geeks

What does “tune it up” mean? Do you have any sound ? System? Any application? “Tune it up” probably means something to you, but it does not to me.

You could take a look at the audio troublehshooting guide for openSUSE: SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

Failing that, you need to be more clear as to your sound problem, as that will help determine which users are willing / able to provide suggestions. “tune it up” is just too general.

Good luck and welcome to our forum.

Note my replies may be very slow and intermittent. I am currently on vacation with very limited internet access, and very limited time.

Probably tune it up sounds different.

Let me put it in this way.

I am able to see that Opensuse 11.1 has detected the my laptop sound car which is NVIDIA HDMI Audio. But when I try to play sound does not come at all.

I tried to configure using Yast. But it didn’t work. I belive I need to change some settings.

My main problem is monitor.

I don’t know the frequency of my laptop monitor and NVIDIA driver is not getting installed at all.

I have tried to install the driver manually as per the following

Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T)

Kindly help me out in the above two issues.

Thanks in advance.
Suse Geeks

I’m on vacation, with very limited internet access. I can NOT give you any timely help with nVidia setup. Its easy for me, but given you are struggling it could be because either you have a strange nvidia hardware setup, or you are new to Linux. I can’t help with either case given my limited access. Did you look here: NVIDIA - openSUSE
Note, one typically has 3 drivers they can use:

  • generic vesa driver, known as “vesa”
  • openGL nividia driver, known as “nv”
  • proprietary nvidia driver, known as “nvidia”

reference your sound, did you try working your way through the openSUSE audio troubleshooting guide:
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

Again, because I am on vacation with very limited internet access, I can not walk you thru this. I will be 7 to 14 days before I have better access.

Thank you for your time and support.

I was able to install the Nvidia drivers and it is working fine.The reason, I was not able to compile is that pre-requisite was not satisfied.

Even the sound is working fine after going through troubleshooting guide.

Once again, Thank you. I will keep on posting my experience on my HP laptop.

Congratulations on sorting this.

I got back late last night from my 3-week vacation, and it is pleasant to log on to the forum and read of success stories.