mobile broadband drops it's connection for every 10 minutes

hi to all.i am using mobile broadband to connect with network after i connecting drops it’s connection for every 10 minutes.i need to restart to reconnect is happening in to fix this problem?

I would recommend subscribing to opensuse-kde mailinglist. I find I can get things resolved quite quickly.

Also, check I always recommend submitting a bug report upstream to get things resolved.
That is if you cannot get this resolved on this forum.



can i my kde 4.6 to 4.6.3(it may fix the problem)?how to update to kde 4.6.3?

> Re: mobile broadband drops it’s connection for every 10 minutes
Is this on an active or inactive connection?
In /etc/ppp/options you will find the following idle setting:

Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for n seconds.

idle 3600 [by default it is set to 600 secs = 10 min]

You probably have some other issue/s but it may be of help to some
others who are unaware of this default idle setting, which is fairly
unique to openSUSE.


On 28/05/11 15:36, vike4 wrote:
> can i my kde 4.6 to 4.6.3(it may fix the problem)?how to update to kde
> 4.6.3?

sorry i didn’t see this mistake i am using kde 4.6.0.can i update it to 4.6.3(it may fix the problem)?how to update to kde 4.6.3?

Hello vike4,

Click on this link to take you to the KDE repositories. You should know this :wink:

KDE repositories - openSUSE

Select the repos under:

Upstream release aka. KR46 (KDE SC 4.6)

Remember to have fun!
