I’im currently on Tumbleweed Slowroll.
I’ve tried ‘zypper dup’ and when the program wants to upgrade Firefox, it tells that:
./x86_64/firefox-esr-115.10.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm’ cannot be found’https://download.opensuse.or
(I’im translating from french so it’s perhaps not the good expression).
I’ve tried to ignore the problem (choose option ‘i’ of zypper but it doesn’t work).
The only solution that I’ve found is to disallow to upgrade Firefox in Yast.
It works but the drawback is that I cannot update Firefox anymore.
Is there some other solution which would be more convenient ?
Thanks in advance.
Enable auto refresh for this repository or issue a zypper ref
This happens when repositories get added without properly setting the refresh option.
YaST → Software repositories
zypper ref did the job.
Thank you.
For now. But you better also follow the advice to set autorefresh enabled. Else you will have the same some next time.
Perhaps …
sudo zypper -n ref && sudo zypper -n dup
Which works for me, and I realise that the first half should not be needed, however it’s belt and braces.
The -n because I’m lazy and will just accept the updates automagically.
Then why advertise with it?
Again your personal whim, but not really a good practice.
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