I want to install RStudio, but it needs libboost_date-time. There is not tumbleweed version of this library, so I don’t know how to install RStudio
You need libboost_date_time1_63_0-devel.
and thanks for answer but it did not solve the problem
I found libboost_date_time1_63_0-devel and libboost_date_time1_63_0 and installed it. but yast still blames missing libboost_date_time.so.1.54.0
(sorry for german localisation of yast output):
YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2017-02-16 22:49:38
libboost_date_time.so.1.54.0 benötigt von rstudio-0.98.501-1.62.i586 wird nirgends zur Verfügung gestellt
] rstudio-0.98.501-1.62.i586 nicht installieren
] rstudio-0.98.501-1.62.i586 durch Ignorieren einiger Abhängigkeiten brechen
YaST2 conflicts list END
Your package was built against an older version of boost, so it will not work if that library is no longer present.
You should go to openSUSE’s bugzilla and write a bug report about this.
Is this “rstudio” package from the “devel:languages:R:released” Repo?
If so, forget it, this package hasn’t been successfully built for more than two years, no wonder why it links against such old libs.
That’s one of the big disadvantages of OBS, old **** no longer building is not removed from repos automatically.
I hope there is a way to bring RStudio into the standard repositories, both Leap and Tumbleweed.