on my SuSE 11.1 box with KDE version 3.5.10 “release 21.9” I am experiencing the problem that frequently, packages which I install, do not lead to a corresponding entry in the K-menu. I can compare this with a SuSE 10.0 box with the same applications where this issue does not occur. All those applications ‘are actually there’ as I can check on the command line and their rpms bring along a proper *.desktop file. So, on the 11.1 box I keep finding myself to have to edit the K-menu by hand. Logging in and out of the KDE (as suggested in several places on the www) does not help.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to find out if a certain rpm is supposed to lead to a K-menu entry or not ? … and if it is supposed to lead to an entry but actually does not, then what the problem might be ? … and how to fix it ?