I’m not sure what happened… Did a few updates over the weekend, but everything worked fine after them. Last night I tried hibernating my computer, and it locked up. I powered it down.
This morning, all text in KDE is replaced with boxes. Another user account does the same thing. I’m not exactly sure what to try next.
Can anyone help?
I would wonder if the fonts are missing or corrupted in the following folders?
Is it only a problem in KDE? How does terminal look? Can you run any other desktop? You can run mc (Midnight Commander) to get around in terminal and yast works there too.
My fonts folders are empty, both have no files or subfolders.
I tried adding the core fonts via the blue screen yast, and got an IO error on extraction.
I went to /usr/share/fonts and tried to manually make a folder and get an IO error!
I can make folders elsewhere on my system partition (I just made /usr/share/test, but I can not make /usr/share/fonts/test)
Is there something I can do to try to repair the folder? Should I try erasing the fonts folder and then try installing the fonts again?
I think you should do a filesystem check.
Add “init=/bin/sh” to your boot options, then in the text mode shell enter:
fsck -f /dev/sda1
Replace sda1 with the partition your /usr/share/fonts is on of course.
One possibility to find that out is to run the following in the running system before you reboot to text mode:
Ok, I found errors on the file system. I repaired them, but it did not recover the fonts. But, I can now make subfolders…
I re-installed the core fonts again, and it appears to be working!