Missing Breeze window decorations and desktop theme

I’m running Tumbleweed with KDE Plasma/Frameworks 5, and wish to have a consistent-looking desktop using the Breeze theme. I have configured KDE to use the Breeze style, icons and mouse pointer icons. However, under ‘Workspace Appearance’ in the KDE system settings, there are no ‘Breeze’ options for the ‘Window Decorations’ and ‘Desktop Theme’ components. Shouldn’t there be? Looking at the screenshots at the KDE site, it looks like there should at least be a Breeze window decoration.

Do other people get a ’Breeze’ option for these two components? And any ideas what could be wrong? I do have the breeze5-decoration and breeze5-style packages installed.


And any ideas what could be wrong? I do have the breeze5-decoration and breeze5-style packages installed.

Then you should have those options.

Are you maybe using the KDE4 systemsettings? Run “systemsettings5” instead.

Ah! It turned out I was. I had added the KDE system settings shortcut as a ‘favourite’ in the K menu, and it turned out that this launched ‘systemsettings’, not ‘systemsettings5’. When I use ‘systemsettings5’ instead, I can choose ‘Breeze’. Thank you! :slight_smile: