Hi, I am building a package in xUbuntu 14.04 and 14.10 which uses several Boost libraries. It contains the following boost-related Build-Depends:
libboost-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-date-time-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-filesystem-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-program-options-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-random-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-regex-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-serialization-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-system-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-thread-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-test-dev (>= 1.48.0)
It was building perfectly fine until now when i added the 'libboost-random-dev’dependency. After i added the libboost-random dependency (well, and new version of the code with that requirement… of course) it started to fail building with “unresolvable” and the message: “nothing provides libboost-random-dev >= 1.48.0”.
Anybody knows what could be the problem? Is libboost-random-dev somehow missing from the repositories which are used for setting up the builders?
Thanks in advance!