Missing Boost package in Ubuntu builders?

Hi, I am building a package in xUbuntu 14.04 and 14.10 which uses several Boost libraries. It contains the following boost-related Build-Depends:

libboost-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-date-time-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-filesystem-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-program-options-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-random-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-regex-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-serialization-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-system-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-thread-dev (>= 1.48.0), libboost-test-dev (>= 1.48.0)

It was building perfectly fine until now when i added the 'libboost-random-dev’dependency. After i added the libboost-random dependency (well, and new version of the code with that requirement… of course) it started to fail building with “unresolvable” and the message: “nothing provides libboost-random-dev >= 1.48.0”.

Anybody knows what could be the problem? Is libboost-random-dev somehow missing from the repositories which are used for setting up the builders?
Thanks in advance!

libboost-random-dev is from the universe repository which is by Ubuntus definition “community maintained software, i.e. not officially supported software”. This repository is not available in OBS. If you need this dependency you have to manually add it to your repository.