Missing a community forum

How about a “community” forum/topic/category ?

I’d like to post about the openSUSE board elections, but all the topics are technical and I couldn’t find one that fits.

Just post it here: Categories in Suseunbound Forum under News or General. You will not find a more community place to post it. :wink:

I find it a bit questionable to post on a forum “just post it on mine instead” :wink:

Nevertheless, if you could post about the opensuse board elections + call for candidates on suseunbound… :wink:

My apologies, I had the imp of perversity jump me. But I will post about the Board Elections.

Good luck to your candidacy.

Wouldn’t announcements be a good place for it.

> Just post it here: ‘Categories in Suseunbound Forum’
> (http://www.suseunbound.com/) under News or General. You will not find a
> more community place to post it. :wink:

i do not understand why anyone would want to add another way to
fractionate the community off into yet another tiny group of users…

maybe i’ll start a NEW FORUM at http://www.suseunboundAlso.com and
post to Matt’s and see if i can get his group smaller AND more
insignificant still!!!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Once again I will apologize for the post. As for DenverD, I understand your opinion I just believe differently. The idea that providing more than one Forum for people to interact with as fractionating the Community does not follow. People are different and enjoy things that others do not. Having an Official openSUSE Forum is a great thing, but it does not preclude having ones that have a different flavor.

Since none of this is proper in this category the Staff should delete my posts.

On 09/08/2008 DenverD wrote:
> i do not understand why anyone would want to add another way to
> fractionate the community off into yet another tiny group of users…

Competition. Not a bad thing per se.

> maybe i’ll start a NEW FORUM at http://www.suseunboundAlso.com and
> post to Matt’s and see if i can get his group smaller AND more
> insignificant still!!!

Rubbish. Please refrain from making contemptuous comments about other people and their work.


Hi Pascal,

You could try the General Chit-Chat forum or the Announcements forum.

On 2008-09-08, Uwe Buckesfeld <u.buckesfeld@gmx.de> wrote:
> On 09/08/2008 DenverD wrote:
>> i do not understand why anyone would want to add another way to
>> fractionate the community off into yet another tiny group of users…
> Competition. Not a bad thing per se.

That is your view.

The old phrase says ‘Competition brings out the best in man.’
Whoever said that never took a good, hard look at competition and
competitive people. He most definitively never heard about teamwork.

>> maybe i’ll start a NEW FORUM at http://www.suseunboundAlso.com and
>> post to Matt’s and see if i can get his group smaller AND more
>> insignificant still!!!
> Rubbish. Please refrain from making contemptuous comments about other
> people and their work.

But things are getting fragmented all the time. And splitting up a group
is not work, it’s the exact oposite; a destruction of the effort it took to
bring all those people together.

And the only - unavoidable - effect of is that whatever group you’re in,
it’s less likely to be usefull/interesting/productive than if it had more

If you’re in a very big room, with lots of people, you can form little
thread groups in there. You can move from one thread to the other, picking
up new ones, in passing. People that you don’t like can easily be ignored,
as can subjects you don’t care for.

If you lock yourself in a little room with just a few people, you’ll never
hear that very interesting debate next door.

Hanlon’s Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which is
adequately explained by stupidity.

  • Rikishi42 wrote, On 09/08/2008 08:30 PM:

> That is your view.

Yes, and I am totally aware it is an opinion, not the ultimate truth.

> The old phrase says ‘Competition brings out the best in man.’
> Whoever said that never took a good, hard look at competition and
> competitive people. He most definitively never heard about teamwork.

I didn’t say competition is always a wonderful thing; I said it isn’t a bad thing per se.

> But things are getting fragmented all the time. And splitting up a group
> is not work, it’s the exact oposite; a destruction of the effort it took to
> bring all those people together.

That’s one of the dilemmas of Open Source. What’s the alternative? A hierarchic system where one guy makes the decisions and everybody has to do what he says. Yes, it can be very efficient, but the open source community tries to prove that a non-hierarchic system can show better results than a hierarchy. It is an experiment.

> And the only - unavoidable - effect of is that whatever group you’re in,
> it’s less likely to be usefull/interesting/productive than if it had more
> participants.

No. Depending on the task, a small group/team can be more efficient.

> If you’re in a very big room, with lots of people, you can form little
> thread groups in there. You can move from one thread to the other, picking
> up new ones, in passing. People that you don’t like can easily be ignored,
> as can subjects you don’t care for.

True for support. The larger the group, the better. What about development?

> If you lock yourself in a little room with just a few people, you’ll never
> hear that very interesting debate next door.

So, if I don’t care what the others say but prefer to talk to the few people in my room, you tell me that’s a bad thing?

Back to the original message: The only problem I had with DenverD’s reply was the “Your group is insignificant” attitude. That’s all.


I should stay away from this because I was in the wrong to begin with, but…
What group is being split and where is there a exclusionary principal being applied? Does the flipper of almighty Tux strike down those who follow more than one creed? Can you, through the net, not follow many groups? Is there a need to slavishly follow only one set of ideas?

Things form and unform all the time it is a principle of Physics. Just remember Matter can neither be created or destroyed, it only changes states. If something works go with it. Certainly you are welcome to pick and choose.

This of course is independent of errors that individuals make. I must admit in the throes of having a few too many liquid refreshments I tend to allow my judgment to become …shall we say, less than perfect. :frowning:

> Back to the original message: The only problem I had with
> DenverD’s reply was the “Your group is insignificant” attitude.
> That’s all.

both significant and insignificant are relative terms…if Matt is
able to siphon away members, he makes this group less significant…

i’ve not spent more than 10 minutes on his forum, it may be today the
best on the planet, or it may be tomorrow–and i might end up over
there (also or exclusively), but as of a couple of days ago it had
very few posting and seemed relatively less significant than this

i guess i should have used that term (less significant) rather than
the “insignificant” i did use…I apologize to Matt…

we all know that these fora are NOT the only place to find
information/community on or for Linux in general or SUSE specifically…

perhaps, rather than being dismayed that a member would ‘advertise’
his competing and/or complementing arena here, it would be more
useful to celebrate the diversity, openness and freedom that is
open source, by making an every growing ‘sticky’ to list other online
re/sources…along with a short thumbnail ‘word picture’ of what each

i must have two or four dozen i’m familiar with and use–should we
post those to this thread…or start a new one…with what subject?
“Other SUSE and/or Linux forums & resources”??

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

On 09/09/2008 DenverD wrote:
> i must have two or four dozen i’m familiar with and use–should we
> post those to this thread…or start a new one…with what subject?
> “Other SUSE and/or Linux forums & resources”??

In my personal opinion such information should be collected in the Opensuse Wiki, not here.


I’m for free enterprise.


On 2008-09-09 04:38:00 -0400, Uwe Buckesfeld <u.buckesfeld@gmx.de> said:

> On 09/09/2008 DenverD wrote:
>> i must have two or four dozen i’m familiar with and use–should we
>> post those to this thread…or start a new one…with what subject?
>> “Other SUSE and/or Linux forums & resources”??
> In my personal opinion such information should be collected in the
> Opensuse Wiki, not here.
> Uwe

Agreed. The wiki is the official home of the distribution, and already
has provisions for handling this.

Keith Kastorff

> Agreed. The wiki is the official home of the distribution, and already
> has provisions for handling this.

i must be a little slow this morning…i don’t easily find a section
of links to other/outside, online sources…

might you offer a URL to that(those) provisioned page(s)…

or, were you presupposing a need to add a new major heading in the
left nav column? maybe something like “Other Resources”…(as far as
i can see none of the existing paths beginning on the left leads to


DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

On 09/10/2008 DenverD wrote:
> might you offer a URL to that(those) provisioned page(s)…


On 2008-09-10 03:29:25 -0400, DenverD <DenverD@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> said:

>> Agreed. The wiki is the official home of the distribution, and already
>> has provisions for handling this.
> i must be a little slow this morning…i don’t easily find a section
> of links to other/outside, online sources…
> might you offer a URL to that(those) provisioned page(s)…
> or, were you presupposing a need to add a new major heading in the
> left nav column? maybe something like “Other Resources”…(as far as
> i can see none of the existing paths beginning on the left leads to
> such…)
> tia,



This area of the wiki has historically listed other online SUSE focused

And if you had in mind something else, then perhaps you’d like to head
up the creation of an “Other Resources” section. In any case, the wiki
is the right place for listing openSUSE related resources.

Keith Kastorff

On 2008-09-09 05:56:01 -0400, swerdna <swerdna@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> said:

> I’m for free enterprise.

Me too. We didn’t create these “official” forums to shut the door on
other SUSE focused discussion communities. If folks want to participate
here, they’ll come here. If they want to participate somewhere else,
they’ll go there. There’s plenty enough Internet for us all.

That being said, we’d like to be as much as we can, to as many as we
can. Not a bad goal for our forums, if you ask me. :slight_smile:

Keith Kastorff