Missing 32-bit Library libc.so.6 for Steam

I can’t run Steam from my laptop. I’m running OpenSUSE 13.2 on my Lenovo Thinkpad laptop. It was working fine earlier today, until I rebooted my system and tried to open Steam. I got the following message:

“You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:libc.so.6”

I have tried deleting the .steam folder, deleting all of steam (zypper rm steam), and re-installing, all to no avail. I also couldn’t find libc.so.6 in YaST or anywhere else. I have tried looking elsewhere, but all the other solutions are pertaining to Ubuntu, and many of them don’t work. Help would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you.

Under TW:

zypper wp libc.so.6
Command 'what-provides' is replaced by 'search --provides --match-exact'.
See 'help search' for all available options.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name        | Summary                                            | Type   
i | glibc       | Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library) | package
i | glibc-32bit | Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library) | package

or (doing as the output suggests):

zypper se --provides --match-exact libc.so.6
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name        | Summary                                            | Type   
i | glibc       | Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library) | package
i | glibc-32bit | Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library) | package

Thanks for your suggestion. I installed both libraries, updated them to their maximum, and as a precaution uninstalled Steam and deleted the .steam folder. Sadly, Steam is still being a stubborn little ***** and it won’t recognize them. It just keeps saying the same message. Any other ideas?

Nope. I have no experience with Steam. … maybe try searching their user forum? Best of luck.

Uninstalling usually doesn’t uninstall configuration and data files.

  1. Try Force installing which will over-write existing files
zypper in -f *packagename *
  1. Purge your system of all files with names similar to the app. Only after your system has been “cleaned” you can try installing again.
    I describe a number of ways I’ve purged files from my systems in the following post… including listing the contents of packages so you know what should be deleted manually if necessary and how to install, run and use “locate” to identify directories and files with a particular name



I guess steam is looking for the library in a different place than the package installs it.

Try creating a symbolic link that points to the library that the package installed. An example command :

ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 /lib/libc.so.6

You may need to change the part “/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6” depending on where the library is actually installed by the package.