Mirroring repositories with rsync: Module opensuse-full is broken

The rsync module “opensuse-full” which worked well so far seems currently broken. It tries to mirror a huge number of additional stuff (factory?) but fails with “permission denied”. Any place where I could report this?


rsync -rlpt -hi -stats rsync.opensuse.org::opensuse-full /drive/repo


rsync: opendir "/opensuse/telepathy" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/utilities" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/validators" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/vdr" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/windows:" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/xblast" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/opensuse/zypp:" (in opensuse-full) failed: Permission denied (13)

Hey voodoo,

Couldn’t this be the result of some wrong permissions on the remote side? Or has the opensuse-full module recently been updated?

On 2010-12-01 14:36, vodoo wrote:
> The rsync module “opensuse-full” which worked well so far seems
> currently broken. It tries to mirror a huge number of additional stuff
> (factory?) but fails with “permission denied”. Any place where I could
> report this?

Wasn’t there a wiki page with the list of whom to report what? I’m not sure
if it was migrated.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

Couldn’t this be the result of some wrong permissions on the remote side? Or has the opensuse-full module recently been updated?

It is, for sure. But first of all the additional stuff is not part of the distribution and should never be pulled in with the module. Someone messed it up; that’s why I would like to report it. Well, I did report it to ftpadmin@opensuse.de.

P.S. @Knurpht: I like your (temporary) avatar. But there seems to be quite a heavy earthquake going on in the Netherlands :slight_smile:

opensuse-hotstuff-160gb seems to have the same (permission denied) directories in the rsync. It’s been swollen too, my LVM was @ 250GB, had to increase it to 275GB.


It seems that this has been fixed. Now it works again for me. Thank you openSUSE staff.