
openSUSE 11.4

I have installed mirall and rubygem-owncloud-admin.

I went through the setup and told it to create /home/myusername/owncloud folder and use that folder. It seems to complete. When I double click the mirall icon on the task bar it opens and didn’t show any folders. So i clicked add, then clicked choose. I then deleted my owncloud folder, clicked create new folder and recreated it. Selected and it clicked OK. So now the folder shows up in Mirall.

However when i click Open in mirall it opens to localhost/owncloud and says access is forbidden?

Should i uninstall apache2, mirall, rubygem-owncloud-admin and then reinstall all again?

I am having the exact same error when trying to connect to owncloud. I am not using Mirall though. If you have found a solution, could you please post it?

I have installed, reinstalled, uninstalled and reinstalled, many times. Each with same results. I think its php not getting executed but I cant find any solutions.

My permissions at present on the /srv/www/htdocs/owncloud dir are all 777, so its not a permission issue on the files.

When I goto I recive “Access Forbidden!” message, and I dont get the owncloud setup page.