Since openSuSE 11.1 most of webcams who use the gspcav1 driver don’t work anymore, we have to use the “libv4l” library instead.
The easiest way (and the only one I’ll provide)
Open YasT > Software repositories and Add Packman’s repo.
Install libv4l (Press Install/Uninstall Software in Yast and search for it)
In order to be able to use it:
Case a. From a Terminal/Konsole execute the following code:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so <your.app>
where your app is any video application like skype, camorama, aMSN. etc. 64 bit useres reffer to this Blog and watch almost at the end.
hansdegoede: Fedora 9, kernel 2.6.27 and webcams
Case b. From a Terminal/Konsole with an “alias”
edit $HOME/.bashrc and add some alias as follows:
alias 2skype="LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" ## or the alias you preffer. Whe finishing editing you must relogin so changes take effect.
Case c. A desktop icon:
Right click anywhere in your desktop and create a launcher
In the command line add:
env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so <name-of-yourapp>
The same code could be added to any application using the Menu editor
For some reasson I don’t know, sometimes a GSTREAMER complain arises. (some other complains; as far as I know, are problems with memory but they are painless)
Install gstreamer-extra and gstreamer-ugly
NOTE1: Use it at your own risk rotfl!
NOTE2: Take in mind that I’m a Linux user with Basic skills so don’ expect too much assistance from my side. I’m only posting my experiences and how I fixed them. In most cases with no particular help.