Hi all,
I have been using for some time the adobe connect with my 13.1 opensuse as I am taking some online classes.
Everything was working fine, but the last 2-3 weeks (hardly to say when exactly) none can hear my voice.
Adobe connect can see my soundcard and even flash plugin is asking me to grant permissions for microphone.
That was working in the past while the last period I have noticed that the microphone output is not any more “exported” to the recording tab of my pulseaudio.
At the same time, I can do skype very well and microphone works. During my skype call, I can see the microphone listing inside the recording tab of my pulseaudio control center, where the same does not happen for my adobe connect.
I am not even sure what kind of information more would you need to help me solve that.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support
Most important thing - ensure Adobe connect itself is not the problem. That possibility needs to be eliminated. Any recent Adobe connect updates ? Note I do not (and never have) used Adobe connect, so you need to sort that Adobe Connect troubleshooting yourself.
Assuming this is NOT an Adobe Connect problem, given Skype works and Adobe connect does not work , this could be tricky to sort. In the past, was Adobe Connect observable in the recording tab of pulse audio volume control (pavucontrol) ?
Clearly some thing has possibly changed on your system to cause this.
I note Skype dynamically changes the Mic levels when run. Can you confirm with amixer your PCs recording audio levels when using Adobe connect ?
Can you advise (using “arecord -l” to check) as to which device you mic is ? This typically indicates which sound card (0, 1, 2, … etc … ) it is setup as. That information may or may not provide some insight. For example, its possible KDE desktop has a different setting for your recording, which may impact Adobe Connect and not impact Skype. So this is just information gathering to try and come up with an idea as to the problem.
Can you also determine the date when this stopped ? Then check which applications you may have installed around that time (ie immediately before). The command “rpm -qa --last” will let you know which date applications were installed. That will scroll by too fast, so type “rpm -qa --last > rpmlist.txt” and open up the file rpmlist.txt to see.
I had a case recently where firefox would play flash videos at 10x normal speed and no audio, but chrome worked fine ! It turned out the application chromium-pepper-flash was interfering with the audio playback in firefox and removing chromium-pepper-flash fixed the problem. It took me some time to sort that issue. So it may be useful in some cases to check which apps were installed at the time the problem started.
Good luck, and we can keep our fingers crossed on this as it could be elusive.
Hi, I am sorry I have not replied earlier… but I was so much stuck with my business trips… I am also thankful since you gave a very detailed answer and you spent considerable amount of time helping me. I can see my microphone input varying in pavucontrol (pulsemixer playback)… the problem seems to be the adobe connect plugin that it sees my microphone but once I press record it does not “export” a new entry in the recording tab of pavucontrol. This is the typical place where you can really see that there is an application recording a stream, for example skype… My web browser is opera and I am not sure if this might be an extra concern. I will try chrome too. Regarding the last updated packages… the list turned to be really huge and I do not really see how it can help now… Regards Alex
The list likely is large. By typing "rpm -qa --last > rpm-list.txt is only helpful if you can remember (1)approximately when it last worked, and (2) the proper name of the Adobe connect package. Look for ANY occurrences of an Adobe connect update that might suggest a change. Also, look for any pulse audio changes after the time this last worked.
I could not find your post of the output of the command:
arecord -l
(that is a lower case ‘L’ after the ‘dash’).
Knowing that might be useful in looking at other settings, such as that in KDE.
Also, this may be windows specific (?) but ensure that you check to confirm this is NOT an Adobe Connect problem. Look (surf) for Adobe connect users with similar problems. Did you check the Adobe connect troubleshooting guide: Adobe Connect Troubleshooting and FAQ | Arts & Sciences Computing ?
Hi, problem is solved… and I am sharing with the community. Thinks work out normally in chrome that I just installed. So Opera seems to be the problem. Since I am looking for a quick fix I would use chrome when comes to adobe connect. I do not have more time to investigate what is going on with my opera Regards Alex