micro support for philips webcam spc530nc/00

My system is opensuse 11.1 with kde 4.2.3.

Has anybody an idea how I can get work the micro of this webcam.
The video works with luvcview, kopete and skype, but the micro is not working. In kmix I am not able to mute the controller for the micro.

I would be appreciated if somebody can tell me the next steps for any progress.

Thanks in advance.

The problem has been solved with opensuse 11.1 kernel Linux i686:)

Glad to read its working. Thanks for sharing the solution (updated kernel)

Sorry, my testing was not reliable; I didn’t remove the working micro while testing and believed it is sufficient to adjust the working micro with kmixer to loudless. The sound was then not recorded from the philips webcam micro, but from the “dumb”, as it should be, micro.

With the new kernel the slider in kmixer for the micro of the webcam is now adjustable that is all, but with no effect on the recording. So what I thought with kmixer was not what I got by now.

So I learned my lesson for hardware testing.