First, ensure that your mic problem is not a misconfiguration of the application that you are trying to use.
When I test my mic, I typically use a simple arecord command. ie something like
arecord -d 10 myrecording.wav
arecord -d 10 -f cd secondrecording.wav
where “-d 10” sets a 10 second recording. I then play back the recording with xine or mplayer or xmms (or any audio playback program).
I took a look at the tsalsa script output. According to that you have openSUSE-11.0 with the 32-bit kernel on an A8N-SLI-Deluxe (BIOS 1016) motherboard. Your audio codec is an ALC850.
The tsalsa output is very complicated for your motherboard, possibly because of a complex digital audio in addition to the analogue ?
I note these settings:
Amixer contents for card 0 [CK804] _____________________________________
amixer set ‘Surround Jack Mode’,0 Items: ‘Shared’ ‘Independent’ Item0: ‘Shared’
amixer set ‘Mic’,0 84%,Capture on
amixer set ‘Mic Boost (+20dB)’,0 on
amixer set ‘Mic Front Input’,0 on
amixer set ‘Mic Select’,0 Items: ‘Mic1’ ‘Mic2’ Item0: ‘Mic1’
amixer set ‘IEC958’,0 off Capture on
amixer set ‘IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA’,0 Mono: 3 100%
amixer set ‘IEC958 Playback Source’,0 Items: ‘PCM’ ‘Analog In’ ‘IEC958 In’ Item0: ‘PCM’
amixer set ‘Aux’,0 0%,0% on Capture off
amixer set ‘Mono Output Select’,0 Items: ‘Mix’ ‘Mic’ Item0: ‘Mix’
amixer set ‘Capture’,0 Capture 15 100%,Capture 15 100% on
amixer set ‘Mix’,0 Capture off
amixer set ‘Mix Mono’,0 Capture off
amixer set ‘Channel Mode’,0 Items: ‘2ch’ ‘4ch’ ‘6ch’ ‘8ch’ Item0: ‘6ch’
Bold is good (I think), but “red” puzzles me.
Try Surround Jack Mode to “Independent”. You have “Mix” off and “Capture off” in your amixer. I don’t know if this critical … Have you tried putting that on? I also note you have “Aux” capture OFF, … and you have your amixer set to “Mix” instead of “Mic”. That reads inconsistent to me. If you are going to select “Mix” then should not the “Mix” capture be ON ?
If you are trying digital audio (mic) in then maybe < I’m not sure > your IEC958 should set set to “Analog In” and not “PCM”, but I assume you are not using the digital.
My hardware is much more simple, and I don’t have these plethora of options.
I also checked the alsa site for an update to the ALC850 and I obtained this hit: Search results ALC850 - AlsaProject Yes there is an update in 1.0.17 of alsa, but it appears to be associated with 8-channel support, which I assume (I could be wrong) has little to nothing to do with your mic.