This is just an FYI for folk who might not know how to react (like I didn’t know).
I was doing the latest zypper dup in Tumbleweed and after downloading 1400+ files the attempt to install commenced. I got this error:
Detected 16 file conflicts
This was followed by 16 instances like this:
File /usr/src/linux-3.18.3-1-obj/x86_64/desktop/scripts/selinux/mdp/mdp
from install of
conflicts with file from package
and after the 16 instances there was this final paragraph:
File conflicts happen when two packages attempt to install files with the same name but different contents. If you continue, conflicting files will be replaced losing the previous content.
Continue? [yes/no] (no):
If I answer “no” the process will suspend.
In fact I answered “yes” the 1400+ downloaded updates then installed.
It all seems to be OK.
If there is an alternate response or something else I should do. please let me know.