MESA updates

I’m fairly new to Tumbleweed, just switched over from Leap a couple of weeks ago.

Is there a time line or something like that, where you can see when certain software versions come to Tumbleweed? Like MESA 21 i.e.?

Timeline, no, but see this links:

Thank you!

If its about CP2077 then you can use another repository, like the one from khnazile with Mesa-git or the one from X0F:HSF with Mesa 20.3.1.

I might add that I still have black textures in CP2077 with both of them and I don’t know what’s causing it. Could be Steam Beta ****ing up Vulkan shaders, could be missing packages, could be the newly activated SAM from AMD, could be some ********** up settings or something completely different.
The safest bet is to wait for an official update to 20.3.1 that’s hopefully coming soon because the first bugfix release was on 16. December.

Anyway, have a great Christmas.

PS.: For anyone wondering reading this you can check if SAM is active with AMD_DEBUG=info glxinfo | grep vram and if vram_vis_size is bigger than 256 SAM is active.
In my instance it looks like this:

**vram**_size = 8192 MB 
**vram**_vis_size = 8176 MB 
**vram**_type = 9 
**vram**_bit_width = 256 
has_dedicated_**vram** = 1

Hi, thanks for your answer.

What is that SAM you talked about?

SAM stands for Smart Access Memory and you can look into it on AMD’s website.
Don’t get fooled by their own PR and footnotes, I use it with a 3900X and a 5700XT. As far as I know a 500 Series MB is needed and of course the newest BIOS update.

With Ryzen 3200G APU:

AMD_DEBUG=info glxinfo | grep vram
vram_size = 1024 MB
**vram_vis_size = 1024 MB**
vram_type = 8
vram_bit_width = 128
has_dedicated_vram = 0

Old BIOS, no SAM.

An APU is different, the CPU has always access to the GPU memory because they are on the same board/chip.
I talk about a normal PC with a dedicated CPU and GPU.

How do I enable this?

The performance can decrease with Above 4G Decoding due to unknown reasons because this is all experimental and might not have been validated by hardware vendors. Some users report decreased performance.

Up to +11% - not too big enhancement.

Yes, i am using AMD for my system with AMD Radeon RX 6000 Graphic Card. It plays very important role for my system performance.:expressionless: