Hello community, the release of Mesa 20.1.9 was 2020-09-30 and is an urgent update for Horizon Zero Dawn that removes graphics corruption. Without this update the game looks like THIS and is literally unplayable. Anyway, have a great day guys.
If you want a newer Version:
Well, I’m just a dumb end-user who knows nuffin and wants to use things, so I wait for an update. But thanks for that information.
Hi and welcome to the Forum
If running Tumbleweed, you can also check the submit requests to see what is in staging?
As can be seen Mesa 20.2.0 is in the pipeline for processing through into Tumbleweed…
Yes I saw that with Mesa 20.2.0 and I’m a patient guy for the most part, I can wait.
Out of curiosity how long do such tasks take to land in the repo?
If you scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right is the current status of where it’s at in the review process;
Show openSUSE:Factory:Staging:L - openSUSE Build Service (See the staging bot comments)
Then depends on openQA test(s)…