This network manager reminds me much of a child’s drawing or child’s cooking. Lots of hope, bright colors, fun, but try to eat or use …
Probably is written by very very young programmers who don’t care. Here’s how I come to that conclusion.
Is completely broken, generally, does not work from start.
One window does not send a signal to another. When in the popup window the settings are done and the window is closed with “OK”, the mother window’s “Apply” button does not light up. It does not understand that settings have been changed, and it is necessary to offer the user an option to apply his changes. Basic logic, isn’t it? But do they teach some logic at school?
The popup window’s size is needlessly large and does not fit my small screen. I have to go into advanced window management and change the size there. A normal change of size by pulling a corner is impossible. Who and why would disable such a feature? Too much of Redmond’s influence? What do they teach at that school - games only?
Editing of settings is practically impossible. The combination of settings has to be deleted and recreated in order to begin existence. Do they teach the difference between “create” and “change” at that school?
The dodging box-bar that is supposed to indicate which menu item is chosen at the moment by highlighting the line with text does not work properly. It stands so that it encompasses lower half of one menu line and the upper half of another menu line. Now I am thinking they do not teach what “unambiguous” means at that school.
The bottom last part of several menu items is not visible at all - I think they go out of screen, and I am guessing what they might contain.
After recreation of a network connection, with great difficulty and many thoughts about the profession and school, one should not disconnect. And you know why? Yes! Because you cannot reconnect.
All this is understandable, and, isn’t it good to have things in front of you, to work on them?