Mediatomb missing

On my home server I had mediatomb (with mysql backend) running for years but suddenly it started to complaining about missing libs. I tried to reinstall it (packman repo) but the dependency with cannot be resolved. First I thought I probably broke somehting on my server therefore I created a vbox image to do some testing.
Vbox image with latest and greatest packages from opensuse 12.1. Added packman repo and tried to install mediatomb. Same error.

Anybody experiencing the same?

I can start hunting for packages (and maybe end up in package hell ;)) but since it worked for many years without any installation tricks I think somewhere something is broken in the distribution and/or packaging.

Any comment?


Solved! At the packman site the 64bit version (0.12.1-7.1) is running slightly upfront compared to the 32 bit version (0.12.1-6.8) and my server is 32 bit. Therefore the latest and greatest (for opensuse 12.1) is only available for the 64bit environment.
However not yet in the release but available for download is 0.12.1-7.1 (32 bit). This one solves the problem!.