Media hotkeys not working in Amarok

OpenSUSE is brand new to me; I just switched from Ubuntu/Kubuntu because I wanted something that implemented KDE a bit better. However, my biggest annoyance with Kubuntu is still here; I can’t get the media play, media next, etc. hotkeys to work when Amarok is minimized. They work fine if it’s not, but that kind of defeats the purpose.

Also the standby button doesn’t work either, if anyone can help me with that issue.

Alright, I might just switch back to Kubuntu, I guess.

Hi, sorry I didn’t see this. Did you set the shortcut keys for Global? If they’re set for anything else they won’t work when it’s minimized.

Take Care,


How do I go about doing that?

I just looked, I think I see where, but I’m not at all sure about how.

Open Amarok, then click settings, then Configure Shortcuts. To set an action globally, such as Next Track, Click the arrow underneath Global next to the Next Track category. Choose custom then click the box that says None… and push your Next multimedia button. It should show up as something like Media Next. Then do the same for all the shortcut keys you want to use.

Take Care,


Wow, now I feel like an idiot. Put them in the wrong column, that was the only problem. Thanks man.

Any tips for the standby hotkey?

Haha I also made that same mistake when I first started out with Amarok. What do you mean by the standby hotkey?

Take Care,


On my Lenovo it’s Fn-F4; the sleep button, you know. I use it a lot under windows/ubuntu, and while it’s a minor inconvenience it’d be nice all the same to get it to work.