Mdadm raid 10 added to fstab shows as removable drive in dolphin

This is my first post here. I configured mdadm raid 10 far acording to RAID wiki page with custom chunk size 64K. It contains 2 older identical hdds intended for use as data (documents, music, photo, movies, conf. backup and so on). I formated this raid to ext4 and added raid’s filesystem UUID to fstab and mounted it as /home/dmk/data. Then I chown 1000:1000 the mountpoint. I’m on TW with KDE. In dolphin this data raid volume shows as removable, which is not desirable because I want to redirect user directories to my data raid and don’t want an accidental disconnection when system runs. But in KDE plasma system tray, disk and devices, there is no removable device listed. Maybe it’s only dolphin bug or what. So, I want to get rid of this remove option. I was looking in the dolphin settings with no luck, otherwise I think it’s a linux issue. Can you please help me find a way to fix it and find a cause of this behavior?

Edit: I have linux on 60G partition of 480G intel ssd and I formatted the rest of drive as data fast partition mainly for steam game data. This partition correctly shows in Dolphin as non removable.
Here is my fstab:

UUID=a08f9faa-8142-415c-9ed7-6705237012b1  /                       ext4  defaults      0  1
UUID=b7d0abb1-cf05-45a7-ad4b-2ad4e3a68924  /boot                   ext4  data=ordered  0  2
UUID=84a98554-62fa-4582-b7d6-87a7ccd29ae7  /home/dmk/data\040fast  ext4  data=ordered  0  2
UUID=9d9edf73-fd37-49c9-aa3c-644113183558  /home/dmk/data          ext4  data=ordered  0  2

Any partition that is not / or /home will let you unmount it. It will not show up as a removable device in dolphin because it is not an enumerated, removable USB device. I think it might be possible to remove the user’s permission to mount/unmount the drives, but you would have to make sure root is mounting the drives at boot.

I do not understand how your answer fits into the OP’s description.

You talk about partitions (I assume you mean file systems) that are not shown in Dolphin.

The OP is talking about a file system (on a RAID device) that is shown in Dolphin and he does not want so.

I do not think a normal user (and that is the one using Dolphin) can umount this file system. Did the user try that?
Thus while I am with you that it should not be shown in Dolphin as “removable device”, I doubt it can be unmounted by incident.

This is it. I think that raid filesystem mounted in fstab should not be removable.

Dolphin devices cut

I meant to say that it will not show as a removable device in plasma settings.

In system settings, there is some autmount devices options, but I think it is for hotplugable devices.
Output of lsblk

NAME      LABEL                      HOTPLUG
sda                                        0
├─sda1                                     0
├─sda2    boot tumbleweed                  0
├─sda3    root tumbleweed                  0
└─sda4    data fast                        0
sdb                                        0
└─sdb1    localhost.localdomain:data       0
  └─md127 data                             0
sdc                                        0
└─sdc1    localhost.localdomain:data       0
  └─md127 data                             0
sr0                                        0
sr1                                        0

This seems ok.

And there is output of udiskctl

udisksctl info -b /dev/md127
    Configuration:              [('fstab', {'fsname': <b'UUID=9d9edf73-fd37-49c9-aa3c-644113183558'>, 'dir': <b'/home/dmk/data'>, 'type': <b'ext4'>, 'opts': <b'data=ordered'>, 'freq': <0>, 'passno': <2>})]
    CryptoBackingDevice:        '/'
    Device:                     /dev/md127
    DeviceNumber:               2431
    Drive:                      '/'
    HintAuto:                   false
    HintIgnore:                 false
    HintPartitionable:          true
    HintSystem:                 true
    Id:                         by-id-md-name-localhost.localdomain:data
    IdLabel:                    data
    IdType:                     ext4
    IdUUID:                     9d9edf73-fd37-49c9-aa3c-644113183558
    IdUsage:                    filesystem
    IdVersion:                  1.0
    MDRaid:                     '/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/mdraid/9b1322da_154cc044_4ec99bac_cd8813bf'
    MDRaidMember:               '/'
    PreferredDevice:            /dev/md/data
    ReadOnly:                   false
    Size:                       1000067825664
    Symlinks:                   /dev/disk/by-id/md-name-localhost.localdomain:data
    MountPoints:        /home/dmk/data
    Size:               1000067825664te kód

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