MD5 always wrong??

I know there are other ways to check the downloaded install .iso for accuracy and errors but the MD5 check is what I am confused on. I’ve got the MD5 checksum for the download and it never matches. I’ve downloaded the .iso 5 times now and every time it comes down different with a different MD5 checksum result.

Is there a proper process to check MD5 other than get the number, check the iso, and compare the two? Am I doing something wrong?

I do plan to just check media once I burn the iso but it still worries me that the download never check out proper…


How are you checking the md5 sum? What you get should match the published sum.

Hash: SHA1

And if it doesn’t then focusing on the md5sum application is not likely
to be helpful… change how you are downloading. Some applications do
not handle large files nicely so it is likely that is what you are
hitting more than a problem with the md5sum generation. That you are
getting a different sum each time (presumably with a different file each
time, which could easily mean the same file downloaded over and over as
that is a different file once downloaded) means your download is not
working properly for one reason or another and I’d bet the downloading
application is at fault. Try a download of something small a couple
times to compare to make sure the md5sum is consistent and that md5sum
is working properly as it likely is and then focus on the download itself.

Good luck.

ken yap wrote:
> How are you checking the md5 sum? What you get should match the
> published sum.
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Download the disk image via BitTorrent as this includes automatic integrity checking.

Looks like 6th download was the keeper!

I have no idea what happened to the first 5 attempts (4 on BitTorrent, 1 on uTorrent) I am using MD5.exe to check the MD5 and this time the numbers match.

I was using BitTorrent to download and I switched to uTorrent. Not sure that really made a difference as the first uTorrent download also failed check but the second one check out!

Happy I decided to actually try MD5 checks instead of burning and using the disk to check itself! Saved me a lot of time and coasters!

Thanks to you both for replying!

Hash: SHA1

> Happy I decided to actually try MD5 checks instead of burning and
> using the disk to check itself! Saved me a lot of time and coasters!

This is the whole point of md5sums… always check them first or
anything you do afterward is a potential waste of time and, in your
case, money (besides the time). md5sum is fast so it doesn’t take much
time to do this check.

Glad to hear it’s working. Thank-you for posting back.

Good luck.

goblynn93 wrote:
> Looks like 6th download was the keeper!
> I have no idea what happened to the first 5 attempts (4 on BitTorrent,
> 1 on uTorrent) I am using MD5.exe to check the MD5 and this time the
> numbers match.
> I was using BitTorrent to download and I switched to uTorrent. Not sure
> that really made a difference as the first uTorrent download also failed
> check but the second one check out!
> Happy I decided to actually try MD5 checks instead of burning and using
> the disk to check itself! Saved me a lot of time and coasters!
> Thanks to you both for replying!
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