Mc from Leap 15.5 does not save current folder when it's closed

if anyone is (still) using extensively mc (midnight commander) in Leap 15.5 - I have a pretty strange situation that only started to occur in Leap 15.5 (installed a few days back, from scratch - that means no update to the previous version that was on my system):
for a normal user, in a graphical environment (mine is KDE Plasma, but when I tried it behaves the same under Gnome, and also with LXDE or LXQt or XFCE), when I close mc, it returns to initial folder it was started from, not the current folder I was working on at the moment when closing mc;

more specifically:
if my cursor is on the left side of mc, and I have already set options to “auto save panels setup” in the “Panel options” dialog, and also in the “Configure options” dialog , the “Auto save setup” is also checked;
with all these prepared, when i roam with mc on various folders, and exit it (via F10 option), it does not return me to the most recent folder I was when closing it, but instead it returns to the initial folder I was when starting mc !
Let’s say I start mc from my home folder (/home/cornel) and at the end of working session I am in /usr/local/bin
The normal behavior for so many years before was that I am returned in the /usr/local/bin folder when closing mc; well, now I am left back to /home/cornel !
So, obviously, this is very frustrating, since I don’t understand why it behaves like that.

I am working with Konsole terminal app, but I tried also Gnome terminal, LXTerminal, QTerminal and some other still; on all of them things happen the same.

To add insult to injury, when I work as root , these does not happen !! I mean closing mc returns me to the working folder, as I expected, in all those terminal apps mentioned above.

Also, as normal user, but logged off from graphical environment, and working in the text console (ALT+F2 for instance) things just work “normal” again: I am returned to the folder I was working at the moment of shutting down mc.

I can’t isolate any articular option in mc settings that can behave like this (works OK on text only console, but wrong on graphical environment). I even inspected side-by-side options dialogs for mc opened as normal user versus one opened as root - and all options were identical in both situations, so nothing there that I can pinpoint as the culprit.

So, has anyone else have similar situations on their Leap 15.5 systems, with mc ?
Is something I may check and/or turn OFF or ON in some setting in my KDE Plasma environment ?

P.S. Luckily, if I may say so, the other side of mc does save OK when closing it, so at least this half of the problem is not an issue (obviously, when launching mc again that other side is brought back to the saved folder)

See chapter 5

and a lot of other threads which can easily be found…

We have a bug about this subject.