MAX number of disks on install and can it be increased from 3

I need to clear something up before I recomit to oppensusse. Why the 3 drive limit in the installer ,I on this device have 4 x 4TB drives +1 x 2Tb ssd for boot system etc…Is there a way round this problem. at moment runnin Fedora 38 gnome/mate and qemu-kvm/libvert.
Regards Jon

Sorry, llimit?

I do have 10 drives connected at the moment
2x nvme
3x USB Sticks

I see them all in the partitioner.

I would have to run the installer to find where I did this, but I used the Guided section and at the bottom right I was able to add more disks. This way they all showed up mounted by their UUIDs in /etc/fstab and I did not have to edit them into the file manually. This doesn’t stop you from adding them in manually later. Just use sudo blkid to find the UUIDs of each disk you want to add. lsblk will run without sudo, but blkid will not.