max memory per single thread in 64 bit 11.1?


suppose I would have a Phenom II with a board that supports 16 GB and 16 GB memory is installed and accepted :slight_smile: by the board (AM2+, DDR2)

How much memory a single thread can use on 64 bit OpenSuse 11.1 when 16 GB mem would be installed ? I know that a certain amount of memory is reserved for the kernel, what is its size? Furthermore are there max memory limitations per thread from OpenSuse, say for example 8 GB per thread ?

One note: I do not have this hardware, so I cannot test it via allocating small blocks iteratively.
Second note: I am not asking about the max memory which the OS supports in total, I am interested in the max memory usable per thread.

With best argnu

out of my range. And you don’t have the hardware to see if suggestions/advice work. Too hypothetical for me.

Well I consider to buy such hardware but I need to use then up to 13 GB in a single thread - so it has practical implications for me.

I know that you can limit how much a single process can take in sysconfig.

16TB per process (this coming from memory so don’t nail me to the wall if it’s a few terabytes off) - as for the kernel memory reservation it’s insignificant in this discussion.

16 TB per process ? Suppose I could create such a process, I would need 8192 2GB memory bars to suit the need…

Well it’s a thereotical limit - much like the current maximum file sizes for different filesystems (Exabytes etc.)

Thank you for the answers.
