MATE system beeps when shutdown clicked after updating to 20220831-1800.1

After today’s update to release 20220831-1800.1, my MATE system generates a system failure beep when shutdown is selected from the shutdown popup window. Shutting down from the command line or icewm does not produce the beep. Does any MATE user have an idea which mate package to report the bug against?


This udev rule fixes the beep, but I have no idea why it is now necessary to disable the pc speaker.

> cat /etc/udev/rules.d/20-disable-pcspkr.rules 

ACTION=="add", KERNELS=="pcspkr", ATTR{id/product}=="0001", ATTR{id/vendor}=="001f", ATTR{name}=="PC Speaker", ATTR{inhibited}="1"


I had that in xfce. I blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf

blacklist pcspkr

I have no idea what’s the cause of it.

That means the problem isn’t specific to MATE. Did it only occur when you selected shutdown?


I’m also getting the shutdown “beep” in plasma (kde)

My udev rule or conram’s blacklist both work for me. Try one of them, although the blacklist is quicker. However, I’ve seen threads on other forums where it didn’t work.


tbh - the beep doesn’t bother me. I just thought I’d highlight that it is more widespread in tumbleweed than mate and xfce

Are you people making this shutdown selection from within a running X session, or from the login greeter, or both? I have lots of KDE3, TDE & Plasma installations here, some with SDDM, some with LightDM, most with either KDM or TDM. I always logout before starting a shutdown or reboot, and never as a consequence get a beep before the new POST begins.

Application launcher > shutdown > shutdown

I noticed this awful beep when you shutdown or reboot from inside the session (in my case KDE) with the update to systemd 251. If you first logout it works as expected; in addition it only appears for me when the laptop is on battery. Downgrading to systemd 250.X works fine. So I would expect this issue to be independent of the DE. Given the discussion at, it seems to be a systemd feature rather than a bug. As for a workaround, see, e.g.