Maybe I’m blind but I cannot see mariadb-backup or mariadb-shell packages or whether they are part of another meta package - either way, I don’t have them and I want them. Is this possible without going round the houses?
I’m using mariadb on my secondary machine and have always used these tools on other distros. Am I going mad or are they not available?
I also don’t see any GUI database management software in the repositories. I don’t often use them but it would be nice on those lazy days.
Flatpaks are a firm no for me, regardless of whether they are the future - I don’t think its ubiquity will arrive before my retirement.
andrei@tumbleweed:~> cnf mariadb-backup
The program 'mariadb-backup' can be found in the following package:
* mariadb [ path: /usr/bin/mariadb-backup, repository: repo-oss ]
Try installing with:
sudo zypper install mariadb
I do not see mariadb-shell, however. Not that I can’t live without it. It’s just nice. Any database admins/devs here who use a GUI that works well on openSUSE?
Many thanks
Edit: I see from mariadb docs that mariadb-shell is a “Technical Preview”, so that’s probably why it’s not in the repos. I’ve got to lay off the sauce.
I think it’s part of the Enterprise edition which is not free. I apologize for not being diligent before posting. I have it on a Debian server but I’m not going to mess with adding the repository (required for mariadb-shell installations apparently) on this machine. It’s nice to have but in no way necessary - especially if I can find a decent GUI for those fatigued finger days.