manually configure network

I am currently in a Linux class in college. We are supposed to manually configure our network connection. I am using OpenSuse 12.1 and we are supposed to note our current config and then delete it and reconfig it manually(without Yast). I have already noted my current ip address as well as my default gateway and subnet mask. My book is telling me to look in /etc/sysconfig/hardware to note the hwcfg-id-PCI file but there is no hardware directory within sysconfig. Later on it asks us to locate the network directory within sysconfig, it is there. But no hardware. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Check a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) box. My SLES 11 and SLES 10
systems have that ‘hardware’ directory. Download it from or as I recall.

Good luck.
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Am 17.12.2011 01:56, schrieb duanel:
> I am currently in a Linux class in college. We are supposed to manually
> configure our network connection. I am using OpenSuse 12.1 and we are
> supposed to note our current config and then delete it and reconfig it
> manually(without Yast). I have already noted my current ip address as
> well as my default gateway and subnet mask. My book is telling me to
> look in -/etc/sysconfig/hardware- to note the hwcfg-id-PCI file but
> there is no hardware directory within sysconfig. Later on it asks us to
> locate the network directory within sysconfig, it is there. But no
> hardware. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In openSUSE this hardware directory is obsoleted for a long time have a
look at

otherwise I would also recommend that for your linux class the idea from
ab to use a SLES evaluation copy is a very good idea (you can run it in
a virtual machine).

PC: oS 11.4 (dual boot 12.1) 64 bit | Intel Core i7-2600@3.40GHz | KDE
4.6.0 | GeForce GT 420 | 16GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.7.4 |
nVidia ION | 3GB Ram

On 2011-12-17 01:56, duanel wrote:
> I am currently in a Linux class in college. We are supposed to manually
> configure our network connection. I am using OpenSuse 12.1 and we are
> supposed to note our current config and then delete it and reconfig it
> manually(without Yast). I have already noted my current ip address as
> well as my default gateway and subnet mask. My book is telling me to

I doubt very much that your book is current on how 12.1 does things.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Thank you all for your help. To clarify things a bit, our book is on SLES9 but we were unable to configure SLES on virtualbox due to the fact that SLES needs SCSI drives. So our teacher had us download openSUSE instead. I did some research and discovered that if I setup a SCSI controller in virtualbox it worked just fine. And as you stated the file was there and all is good. Thanks again