why did the mangohud-32bit package disappear from repositories when it still appears to exist in openSUSE:Factory?
As a tumbleweed use it is always good to take a look at the mailing lists:
Ok, they say to create a bug report for missing 32bit packages and assign it to “dimstar@o.o” with a reason why it’s still needed. Where should the bug report be filed?
I created this bug report, but I suspect it was in the wrong place as I couldn’t find “dimstar@o.o” to assign it to them.
Apparently it has been fixed, at least according to that bug report. Here “fixed” should mean that the package will soon show up again in a Tumbleweed update. You may need to check and reinstall at that time.
Thanks! It would have been strange of them to remove 32bit versions of the 2 most used steam utilities (mangohud and gamemoderun) without someone complaining.