Manage Network Connection in Task Bar - Wireless TAB "DISABLE" state for opensuse 12.3

I am totally new.
Installed opensuse 12.3 on my Dell inpiron 10 inch laptop, that now has dual boot.

I gets connected to internet well via - Network Cable.
But i use my home Wireless, i cannot.

On bottom, taskbar, i click on Configure- KDE Control Module -> Network Connections
I see Wired, VPN and DSL only enabled.
“Wireless” TAB is disabled.

I connect to windows and i see wireless is enabled and it connects fine.
I read all forum post and tried few stuff nothing worked.

Here is the output of thing i ran:
sujit@linux-h08n:~> /usr/sbin/rfkill list
0: compal-wifi: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
1: compal-bluetooth: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no

Please help and in clear easier way…as i am totally new here.

More Information on the issue that i collected:

YaST => Hardware => Hardware Information.

I dont see on standard menu - Wireless lan, but i do see under Network Card WLAN.

I see under Network Card:
Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini Card

I see under PCI:
Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini Card

Kernal Driver: ssb

sudo /usr/sbin/iwlist scan
lo Interface doesn’t support scanning
eth0 Interface doesn’t support scanning

lo no wireless extension
eth0 no wireless extension

On 07/07/2013 04:36 PM, sujitpatnaik wrote:
> Installed opensuse 12.3

-=WELCOME=- new poster and new user!!

this might be as easy as booting again…read here:

if that does not do it have a look at the top of this forum for some
“sticky” posts, they will guide you to either a smile and knowing
what you need to post in the way of info so a wireless guru can help

be patient, take your time…read carefully and you will be
successful EVEN it if is not as easy as just booting another
time…and then setting up your wireless (with you AP password, etc)…


Does the output of dmesg show that your firmware is loaded? As you have no wlan0
device, I do not think so. With a Broadcom interface, you need to do some
special things.