Until few days ago I did use 13.2 with vdr-xine plugin (I think from packman) to view TV. This plugin is now not available for 42.2, there is xineliboutput instead. What do I need to install and configure to view TV with vdr on 42.2? I did not find something up-to-date with in the internet.
vdr itself seems to work, as I can see from the log. It does also update the EPG file. I just need any viewer (local–not over network) to control vdr and view the vdr video.
Does no openSUSE developer know, what needs to be installed and configured to get a picture from vdr? Is there no one responsible for this package? Why is this package available when SUSE does not know how to use it?
The SUSE owned web page https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:VDR notes a package vdr-plugin-xine but this seems not to be available. Would you please update your documentation?
sorry, I didn’t read your post. So how can the developers be reached? It is really frustrating that endless man power is available the further develop plymouth, but the applications don’t work. So what is the way to address this?
Should there not be a developer assigned assigned to a package so that this developer can be contacted (via bug report or so)?
Overview The xine plugin is a VDR output device plugin using the Xine multimedia playback library.
The plugin was originally created by Reinhard Nißl, but is not maintained anymore.
This project just tries to give the plugin a new home and keep it alive as far as people still use it.
But the web page https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:VDR seems to be an openSUSE web page. And this page mentions the package vdr-plugin-xine (which I understand as rpm packed or somehow provided by openSUSE). Else it is not a package but just the source which everyone can compile and install. But this web page refers to a openSUSE package. Of course the software is not developed by Suse (as 99% of all packages are not developed by Suse), but the package is packed and provided. Actually it had been provided until 13.2. So this web page is out of date for leap. But I ask why vdr is provided when it can not be used? I expect from an operating system, that I can install a package and use it. This seems not to be the case for vdr after SUSE 13.2 (I had not tested 42.1)
The SDB is a wiki page. Everybody, including you can improve it.
I do understand some of your frustration, but complaining and accusing people, that do or do not visit the forums, from neglect of duty all the time, will not encourage the openSUSE users here to read your thread any further.
Asking for help in using VDR TV is fine. But you need another member here that also uses/used that to come to a fruitful discussion. Until now you seem out of luck.
When I use https://software.opensuse.org/search and the seearch term vdr-plugin-xine it gives results. Also for Leap 42.2.
I do not know what they are worth, but they are there.
And for 13.2 is does not show Packman, thus it could be that you got it somewhere else for 13.2. In any case, when you find something that fits you for Leap 42.2, make a note where you got it from.
I don’t have a vdr device and I can barely understand what you are asking but
have you tried adding the vdr:plugins repo and pulling vdr-plugin-xine from it
zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/vdr:/plugins/openSUSE_Leap_42.2/vdr:plugins.repo
zypper in [FONT=&]vdr-plugin-xine
the opensuse build of xine is patent free if you want the full experience you’d need to pull libxine2 from packman so add the packman repo and do a full vendor change with it
zypper ar -f ftp://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_Leap_42.2/ packman
zypper dup --from packman
zypper in libxine2-codecs