mail notifier plasmoid

I used to have a mail notifier plasmoid (not only for gmail) for 11.1 which was very useful.
When I installed opensuse 11.3 I found another one very similar and even better.
When I upgraded kde to 4.5 it simply disappeared.
I can’t remember where I got it. I tried to find it again without success.

Does anybody know something of this kind for POP3 mail?

Really nobody knows a mail notifier for kde and opensuse 11.3?
I’m looking for something like korn in kde3.

There is a widget called ‘Incoming messages’, not sure that can suit your need, but worth a try. By default its there.

Another is this gmail notifier:
gmail-plasmoid - Project Hosting on Google Code

Haven’t tried any.

Good luck!

KDE:Extra (formerly KDE:Community) offers a widget called ‘plasmoid-mail’, I suppose that’s the one you are looking for.

Thanks, mmarif4u.
Incoming messages just tells you if kmail (and others) has downloaded a new message. I am looking for something that tells you if you have messages in your pop3 server (not only gmail).
Thanks anyway.

Probably that is what I want.
But what repo are you referring to? In this one I can’t see any plasmoid-mail.