LXDE Transparency/Composition Issues

Anyone experience this issue under LXDE?

There is no composition yet the display keeps overwriting output updates to the display. See Conky panel.
Xcompmgr doesn’t work either.


So I do not use LXDE, but I did have problems getting KDE to use openGL in openSUSE 12.3 until I switched to kernel 3.8, now up to 3.8.10. Its my suggestion you give a new kernel a try, among any other suggestions you might get.

openSUSE and Installing New Linux Kernel Versions - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

Conky works fine on much older kernels.
But transparency/Compositions does works fine under OpenBox. So I believe it’s an LXDE issue.

Things were last working perfectly under oS 12.2.