I am currently trying to install VMware Player on suse 12.1. I Did a restart last night and after login I was unable to recognize my wireless network. In the upper right of the screen blue-tooth is enabled, but there is no wireless network listed to connect to and when i click to enter network settings, I see in the ceter of network “Wired” cable unplugged. and no wireless option is listed on the left, only “network proxy”
I’m using gnome on a dell xps laptop and when I look under yast it says that Networkmanager is installed, but I don’t see with the other applications.
Could someone tell me how to find network manager or how I can get back my wireless.
And if I can add a request; many online programmers are sloppy at best and when someone types command prompt code they say some parts and paste others. Please paste the full code from your terminal if I need code to complete an objective. Thank you all in advance and as always…
May the kernel be with you.