Lost Wacom support with kernel-desktop update

Opensuse 11.3 gnome
Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook T3010

After updating the kernel-destop (2.6.34-12.3) package last night I have lost the ability to use my wacom pen entirely. I’m not sure if this is a common problem that will be worked out in a couple of days or if I should just go ahead and report a bug. Any suggestions?

Sorry if I didn’t post enough information, I’m really new to using forums and am by no means a computer expert. :stuck_out_tongue:

Which update? From what Kernelversion have you made an update?

There is no kernel-update for 11.3 yet, so that cannot be the problem. If you have been experimenting with the kernel, you may have uninstalled the wacom-kmp-“your-kernel-flavor”. Reinstall that for your running kernel, reboot, should work.

@Pilgervater - I don’t know how to check and see what the old kernel was before an update. I remember seeing quickly that a component of the kernel was being updated on the update screen, but I didn’t make a note of the old number… If it means anything I have noticed a file indexing icon on my panel that wasn’t there before my last update

@Knurpht- I DEFINITELY have not been messing with the kernel lately, that is way out of my league for now. I did, however, try re-installing the wacom-kmp package, but it did not work upon rebooting. When I check the kernel desktop package it says says the version number (2.6.34-12.3) and that it was installed yesterday, but my system was installed a week ago.

@tbarger: i cannot see any kernel updates in: Index of /update/11.3
so i dont know what was updated on your system. The kernel which is the latest in openSUSE 11.3 is the one which was delivered with the official release!
Did you check that the wacom-kmp has a compatible flavour to your kernel?

Okay, so now I am a little bit more confused. I decided to try to do a system restore since my tablet was working prior to the update(not kernel, but whichever update caused it). When I tried to copy my documents file over to the micro drive that is always connected to my laptop, the system froze, although I could use my mouse, after a minute and I pressed the power button once to hopefully bring up the shutdown menu. Instead it shutdown automatically. Upon restating the computer, my tablet works again. I have no idea what happened, but I would sure like to. I did notice that it appears that my laptop is setting its restore points on my micro drive for some reason, is that a possibility for the error?

So an even more confusing update(for me at least). I tried to play an avi video in vlc, but the player wouldn’t show any video, only audio. I tried checking the codecs and I uninstalled and reinstalled vlc, but it was no good. I then restarted the computer just in case any updates didn’t take effect(old habbit) and when the system restarted I could watch avi video just fine, but I no longer have use of the wacom pen. I’m wondering if/how the two might be related, any ideas?